Archive for the 'Otaku' Category


If you haven’t already heard (from some of the more “reliable” visual culture news sources) then I think all you Lucky Star fans out there will be pleasantly surprised to hear that Kadokawa USA licensed L*S not to long ago. (they had a video clip in the R1 of TMHS vol. 4 of episode 16 in English).

 Some people are horrorified by this announcement, some are in glee. Me? I’m just kinda in the middle. If they do the title good then I’m fine with it, if they don’t…then thats another story (I’ll go on strike or something).

((by the way sorry I haven’t been talking in awhile. Internet kinda helps in gathering news and information and publishing to the ‘net (((just a little))). Just so you know I didn’t die.)

Nendo Lucky Star characters

The age of the Nendo Lucky Star characters is upon us…! Even though the Lucky Star season has ended we still have our manga, books, figures, and now nendo’s to remind us of it’s greatness high up there in Otakudom right next to Haruhi.

Good Smile has put together these excellent figures below and are about 10 cm high. Both, Kagami and Konata, are released January ’08. I don’t know of any pre-ordering availabilities right now ((I might post it when and if I get ahold of that information))

Nendo Konata~! `0w0

It contains different faceplates and such so that you can customize Konata into any of her numerous stances that we have seen throughout the 24 episodes. VVVShe’ll also come with VVV


We not only get Konata but also Kagami as seen below. :3

TsundereTsundere Kagami is shown here with her infamous Tsundere look.

She has Minoru packed in.

Both Omake’s are left unpainted for the fans to get creative with. ;P

I hope you guys enjoyed see j00 next time..! >0<

Welcome to the NHK – USA

Yes…Thats right. Welcome to the NHK is having it’s manga released into the the USA’s jungle manga market on October 2nd.

 I, personally, am very excited about this release since I have only seen a tidbit of the anime and nothing of the manga. I can only hope that TokyoPop did something good with it. (or they’ll find themselves in a world of chaos. >_> Don’t mess with overworked otaku.)

 You can find more on Tokyopops website about that title ((and a few others)).

So keep it an eye out for it people. >: D

ComiKet (72)

Yes…The grand event for all things Doujin..! One of the most memorable and renowned events in otaku history. THIS. IS. COMIKET!!!

For the unfamiliars, I’ll explain. ComiKet is a twice-a-year event that takes place in Tokyo at the Tokyo Big Site. It is the biggest get-together for Circles (I’ll explain in a minute) selling doujinshi to Anime companies giving away goodies and showing off trailers. I’ll start with doujinshi first, Doujinshi (also called Doujin) is what fan-made comics are called. Basically, it’s manga…no..a comic made by a fan (or fans) of a certain title that they like. Just that the story goes in the way they want it to.  The groups of fans that come together and make these masterpieces are known as circles.  Now, you’d probably expect that if they are making these comics based off of licensed titles (not always licensed) they’d be doing it illegally. Yes, that much is true but , actually,  the companies like having the circles and such there. They have no problem with them (evidently if they’re willing to show up at an event dedicated to their comics). Doujin isn’t always based off of a title (licensed or not) sometimes they’re original and this comes to , what I think, is the true heart of doujinshi. Making original stories and characters. Although parody doujin is nice to start out with it’s a great achievement to move up to your own original work.

About 2 weeks before a ComiKet event goes down (winter or summer) you can find the ComiKet catalog in just about any store in Akihabara or Nipponbashi. Today, they have two different versions fitting your tastes either A. ComiKet catalog Book form! or B. ComiKet catalog CD form! If you are planning on attending ComiKet it is mandatory to get a catalog and plan out your routes and what has low stock and high stock. The advantage ,though, of the CD form is that it allows you to color code the items you plan on picking up. So you can grade it , for example, Dark blue being your first stop to light green being your last stop. It also gives you a variety of maps to choose from. It also has a search feature built into it if your too lazy to find some circle websites over the web and find out if they will be at ComiKet. Your catalog , in ComiKet, is your best , closest, friend. Remember that. It’s ‘Mandatory’.  xD

There are three different  days that ComiKet runs. The first two days have nothing really special to them other than just typical ComiKet days but the third day is the 18+ day where all the hentai products get busted out.  There also , as said before, two different events during a year Winter ComiKet and Summer ComiKet. The upcoming ComiKet will be The Summer ComiKet 72. ( will be covering the event for all three days)

If your a foreigner planning on going or a first timer altogether then I would strongly suggest checking out the ComiKet official website to scan their rules. Just so you can have the most enjoyable time in Japan possible. ^_~

ComiKet will probably be a blast. Some of you people who are attending will have to post a comment (It’s MANDATORY).

That wraps things up. Bai bai.

May 2024